Friday, June 17, 2011

#75 Dieu Du Ciel - Péché Mortel (Canada)

Next up I have 2 beer from one of the less known but top rated microbreweries in Canada; Dieu Du Ciel. I picked these up Premier Wine and Spirits on Dresden row located in downtown Halifax. A great shop I love to check out when looking for something new!

Péché Mortel is an Imperial Stout. Taken from the website: "Péché Mortel (French for "Mortal Sin") is an intensely black and dense beer with very pronounced roasted flavors." I poured this into a tulip glass and shared with a friend for the occasion. Intensely black is an understatement here, it poured a thick pitch black color with a great aroma of dark chocolate, caramels and coffee. Which is not surprising given the beer is literally infused with coffee during the brewing process. There is a small light brown head that lingers for a while. The taste is strongly of coffee, dark chocolate again giving it a sort of mocha but quite bitter taste. This is not your everyday beer at 9.5% ABV. I think my problem with this one is that I am not normally a coffee drinker and dark chocolates are not my favorite either. This beer is raved about in the craft beer community but I would suggest staying clear if this is your first craft beer, otherwise its worth the experience. Overall; despite my negative comments and it not being quite my style I will give this one a 3 out of 5 .

NEXT UP -  Dieu Du Ciel - Blanche du Paradis (Paradise white)